Thursday, July 15, 2010

The 9 Golden Rules for Good Technology

In the article, "Nine Rules for Good Technology" by Stephen Downes he list the criteria of a great technology system. Except in today schools teachers have to deal with technology malfunctions, breakdowns, or broken items.  When teachers should be teaching they are sometimes troubleshooting what is wrong with the computer, Smart Board, TV/VCR player, or some other piece of technology.  Teachers were never told that they also need a degree in technology systems. 

Mr. Downes says that technology has to become wide spread and easy to use.  No one wants to sit and read a 500 page manual before they use there new piece of technology they just bought.  The technology needs to come easy to install and use without reading the manual.  This is exactly what teachers need when they want to use technology in there classrooms.  They do not want to have to bring home the manual to read before they can use it.  This is the last thing teachers want with all the other work they have.  They to have a life outside the classroom.  Districts could also help teachers by having training sessions on how to use and troubleshoot the technologies (computers, systems, & Smart Board) they will be using in there classrooms.

The nine rules for good technology that you want to look for are the following:
  1. Always Available: You have access to it at all times and do not have to track it down.  Great if all classrooms had there own technology equipment
  2. Always On: Is always on or can be turned on with a one-stroke command.
  3. Always Connected: The technology can send information when and where it is needed without human help.
  4. Standardized:  Can work with any computer, can use any browser, search engine or Internet provider.
  5. Simple:  You can just turn it on and go, you do not have to read the manual before you start.  Just get what you need and nothing more.
  6. Does Not Require Parts:  You just need what you have, set up is easy, do not need buy any parts. 
  7. Is Personalized:  You make it your, you personalize it. It is meant for you.
  8. Is Modular:  It is made up of parts that work together smoothly
  9. Does What You Want It To Be: Works correctly and does not do whatever it would like to do.

 As homeowners we have the ability to do research on what technology is what we want and then can buy it.  As employees of a district, teachers are just give whatever the district has purchased.  Many times it is not the best and usually along the cheap side. expensive then schools usually do not have enough for every classroom.  When I went to school we did not do much with computers and Smart Boards, we did have VCR and projectors.  And I remember my teachers complaining that the VCR was broken or the projector's light has blown. They then had to use there back up plan or we sat there until someone came down to fix it  or brought us a new one.  If teacher nowadays  get this great technology in there classrooms it would be great if they were given in service classes to help them.  Even new and updated technology has is not perfect and many have problems once and a while and that is why teachers always have back up plans.  Nothing is perfect.  The more technology we can use and teach our students the better we all will be in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen,
    you made a wonderful point in your post about good technology - back up plans. You can have the most fantastic, interactive lesson planned only to find that the internet is down in your school. It is always a great idea to have a back up if the technology is malfunctioning. It does not matter if the technology is a computer or a VCR. Technology that does not work is no excuse to have students being idle in the classroom.
