Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Connected Classroom

Watching the video, "Connected Classroom", was very eye opening.  China is the largest country.  Yes, we all knew that but what we did not know was that it will be the number one English speaking country in a couple of years.  I must have missed the announcement that My Space had become a country, and it is the 12th largest country.  This is amazing to me. 

I really liked the quote "...prepare them for their world, teach them the way they learn best."  This is so true.  You can not teach a person if they are not interested.   The best way is to keep the students engaged in the lesson, right now the 21st century learners, is with computers, Smart Boards, and Elmo's.  Children are into technology gadgets; cell phones, iPods, computers, and hand held game systems.  We need to upgrade our educational system and create high technology classrooms that will keep our students engaged in learning.  This sounds great but a little unrealistic with the way the economy is going these days.  Many school districts are cutting back and laying off.  So I do not see many school districts having high technology classrooms for at least a couple more years.

One day our schools will be totally free of pencils and paper and we will have to prepare our students for a the very competitive and technological world.  And the first step is to get the technology and the teachers up to speed in order to teach the 21st century digital learners.

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