Friday, July 9, 2010

What is Literacy 21st Century?

So what is Literacy 21st century?  At first one may think that you are promoting literacy in the 21st century.  But as I read all the readings, watched all the videos, and talked to other classmates I realized that literacy has a new definition.  I was amazed at what is all now considered literacy.  We have gone beyond text books and adventured out into the land of technology.
I have always thought of literacy as reading and writing, and the ability to talk.  Well after reading all about 21st century literacy and redefining it, I now have a totally different meaning of Literacy.  My definition of a literacy teacher was a person that taught you how to read, sounding out of words, and writing, from basic writing to the organization of how to write. The way schools have evolved over the decades is amazing to me.  When I went to school we did not have computer class we had typing class. The computer we had a home was just to type papers on.  As far as listening to music, you were hip if you had a walkman. Now a day's students have computer classes and learn how to surf the internet and use all the resources that are available on it.  Now children have IPods to listen to music on. Another thing that we did not have was cell phones; nowadays you do not see a child without one.  Wow...has times changed.  I have found that they are changing for the better.
Literacy 21st century, to me is being fluent (being able to read, write, understand, and just doing it) in all types of technology.  Today's students are digital learners, multimedia users, multi-taskers, team and social learners, and electronic communicators.  This is just some of what today's learners can do.   Children today have to be fluent in technology because of all the changes in the job market, life, society, technology, and education.  We need to prepare our children for a future full different types of technologies.  In the classroom we, as teachers or soon to be teachers, need to provide a classroom that encourages: critical thinking, communication, technology, flexibility, innovation, creativity, and engagement.  We need to stop providing our students with a classroom that is textbook driven, time-based, worksheet based, teacher centered, unengaging, and isolated.  Teachers need to be flexible and willing to learn new things.
The contexts in which students use literacy has evolved and Educators now need to incorporate the technology student's use in their life in school.  I do believe this but to a point, I as a teacher will not be using Twitter in my classroom. I feel that elementary students need to be learning social skills by interacting with people face to face.  I will be using as much technology in my classroom as possible, like a Smart Board (if I have one), have the students doing projects on the computer, podcasts, and video and audio assignments.  I feel that the more exposed to technology students are at a young age the quicker and easier it will be for them.  It is like riding a bike, once you do it you never forget.
My classroom will be a Literacy 21st century classroom, so that I can help prepare my students for their future.

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