Monday, July 12, 2010

Education 1.0 is a thing of the past

We are definitely changing gears when it comes to technology.  Pretty soon pencil and paper will be a thing a of the past and every house, school, and student will have a portable computer. 

I went to school in the time of Education 1.0.  We did not have computers in school or at home.  I think my parents got a computer when I was in high school ( in the late 1980's), you could only type, no Internet.  In school we took typing and you prayed that you did not make a mistake, there is no spell check on an old typewriter. 

I do wish that computers were around when I went to school.  They do make a big difference in everything, especially school. I see my children coming home and using things on the computer that I do not know.  My seventh grader's teachers have him making powerpoint presentations, brorchure's, and many of them have the textbooks on-line.  What a powerpoint presentation, I did not know what that was up until a year and a half ago.  And having textbooks on-line, you mean you do not have to carry your books home every night.  Life is getting easier and computers are helping with that.

In order to be a teacher these days you need to be a 21st century teacher so that you can teach your 21st century learner everything they need to know and more.  The student of today use computers and different types of technology, so us future teacher need to be able to use the same types of technology.  Students come to school wanting to be creative, so what a better way then having them express it on  the computer.  Especially with all the different programs out there for the to be creative on.  We need to keep them interested and wanting to learn not board and asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen,

    It is so funny how the digital world has changed over a few short years. The funny thing was some thought when the internet came along we were done! Look how it has grown over the past five years! We are all about technology and the internet. Web 2.0 is growing each day. I can't believe all the software and capabilities out there today! Its beyond me! As I have gone through this course though, I must say I will venture out into it more and take in all it has to offer! There are some great stuff attached to WEB 2.0!

    P.S- I'm addicted to iGoogle now!
