Monday, July 26, 2010

You want to assess my work how?

Using E-portfolio's, is how teachers will want you to be assessed in the future.  A portfolio is a collection of work that a learner has collected, selected, organized, reflected upon, and presented to show understanding and growth over time: "A purposeful collection of student work that illustrates efforts, progress, and achievement in one or more areas", say Helen C. Barrett, PhD in the article Using Electronic Portfolios for Formative/Classroom-based Assessment.  An e-portfolio is a portfolio that on the computer, students use different media to present their work like; audio, video, graphics, and text.

There are many benefits to using e-portfolio's: (from the following website)
  • The use of rich media is often a hook for the learners. “The use of multimedia tools is one strategy that involves and engages learners” (Barret, 2005)
  • The paper portfolio can't reflect the learning process as well as an e-portfolio.  As Ian Fox said: “The power of ‘student voice' should not be underestimated. To hear students reflecting on their own work, in their own voice, with their own intonations and expressions, conveys meaning in a manner that is simply not possible in written form."
  • The e-portfolio encourages and facilitates the learner’s support network to participate through appealing social networking resources
  • The quality, not just the quantity, of feedback is enhanced and facilitated via social mediums.
  • The e-portfolio encourages and enables the process of reflection, self-evaluation, and action planning as a process for lifelong learning. The e-portfolio not only develops skills, it develops approaches to learning.

  •  The student ought to be able to carry the e-portfolio device with him or her wherever he or she goes, and use it to record, assess, evaluate, and reflect at any time.

Above is a diagram of cycle of an e-portfolio. The purpose for doing a portfolio is to share and celebrate achievement with yourself, teachers, parents, and  anyone else you want to view your work.  You are getting supportive assessment for learning through, criteria, feedback, feedforward, peer/self assessment, and reflection.   By having/posting your work and receiving feedback on the work submitted you are showing ownership in your learning. You are seeing and reading how you have grown over the months and this has happen because you are listening to others as you go and fix/improve your work.

But students using e-portfolio's they are in control of what is being seen.  By the students using technology to demonstrate or just publish their work makes it assessable to all to see.  I feel that this will be a good way to do an assessment in the future.  I know many art classes do a paper portfolio, so why can't teachers use one to and be green while doing it.

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