Friday, July 9, 2010

Move over Twitter, welcome iPod

I came across this blog on a website I was looking at; it said "iPod touch in the classroom."  I could not believe my eyes; I thought Twitter in the classroom was bad.  I realize all the things an iPod can do but technology like this does not belong in the classroom.  It says that it can be used by both teachers and students.  My kids have iPod touches and I see all the things they can down load and all the items it comes with.  But how do you know if the student is using the iPod for educational purpose or not.  It is not like the computers in school where you can monitor the students.  These pieces of technology are small, not like the big 17" computer screen that sits in front of them in computer class.  In some schools the computers are linked to the teacher's computer so the students can be monitored.  Teacher's would not be able to monitor the student's iPods.  The best part I thought was that if you go on Apple site, they tell you all of the down loads they offer for teachers and students to use in the classroom.
Maybe it is me, but some pieces of technology do not belong in the classroom.  Have the students and teachers keep their iPods at home.
Let me know what you think.

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