Monday, July 12, 2010


To be honest I have never heard of NETS-S before this class.  (Wow, am I learing a lot of new thing in this class.)  I  have read them and some are still very confusing to me, so I do not know if they are being implemented in schools.  I do think that we are using some, if not many in our class, especially number 2: Communication and Collaboration.  We are doing all of this in our groups as we are working together to do our projects. 

Personal as a future teacher I do not feel very ready to implement them in my lessons.  I will need to do more reading and get a better understanding of NETS-S.  In order for me and all teacher's that are not up on technology we need to be taught.  In order for that, schools are going to have to provide computers and classes for teacher in order for them to implement technology into classrooms.  For me I hope it will be a little easier, I am still in school, learning about the importance of technology in the classroom.  I will also  learn how to implement  technology into my lessons the correct way by meeting all the NETS-S.  It really comes down to money and  how much school districts want to incorporate technology into their classrooms.

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