Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Take a Poll anyone?

I just made my first poll.
I first tried to use Survey Monkey but it would not load correctly.  Thank You Kim for coming to the rescue again.  She recommended instead.  I love that site, it is just like it says 1 2 3 to make your own poll.  I will be playing with my polls and changing them from time to time.  I could see a teacher using this, a poll, to get feedback from parents.  If you have a teacher page you could post a poll.  I also really liked that you can design your poll to look cooler than just a bunch of words on the page.
Check out my poll next to this blog entry and answer the question.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen,
    I used Survey Monkey to complete my poll. After reading your blog entry, I experimented with and found that I liked this site better. I found addpoll much more user friendly. So it was a fortunate problem that Survey Monkey would not load for you.
    I never thought to use a poll to get feedback from parents. I will be sure to use polls for that purpose when I teach. You can go to my blog - and look at my entry titled Survey Monkey Swings for my experience with Survey Monkey. Thanks for giving me a new use for this technology!
