Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On-line Gradebook, What will they think of next.

I really liked this software.  It was a very friendly site to use.  All you have to do is follow the directions and you will have a on-line grade book in minutes.  No more paper needed, this is a go green website.

I liked that you have everything in one spot.  All you have to do is type in what the item is that is being graded and the grade.  If you make a mistake no more erasing or white-out.  I also really liked that you can have the list of student's in your choice, four different ways, depending on what you need.  I really did not understand what the one box in where you posted grades was for; the number correct or EC.  I would really like to be able to post one grade for several students instead of entering the grades one at a time.  This type of feature would save us a lot typing.  I would use this in my future classroom, even know I like seeing things on paper.  But this system seems really good and easy.  You can print out reports of students progress and scores to be sent home at the 5-week progress report time.  I think that this would save you lots of time, instead of looking up each student and writing down all the scores.  Instead you just type the students name and up comes all their scores.   If I did use this system for my grade keeper I would not let my students or parents of students know.  I feel that elementary students are not interested in their grades and parents would use it to make sure their child was on top or on top of the teacher's, "Why did my child get that score?"  I would use this program or one like this for my own needs and  convenience.

This type of web 2.0 tool for teachers gets two thumbs up from me.****

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