Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"What Should We Learn?"

So the big question is "What should we learn?"  Well I know that I want to learn everything that I can learn.  I guess I need to think about what I really want to lean, what is really important for me and what I will need to know to function in life. 

The author of the article, Holly MacDonald, put together a list of all the tools that  are important to her.  She has on the list; blogging, screen casting, video-camera, search engine, membership in an online community, browser, and web collaboration tool.  These are all great and important tools to have learned and will come in handy in the future.  I guess I feel that I need to learn the more basic things, like the content of what I am learning.  When I think about learning, I guess math, English, history, and science come to mind. I really was not thinking about technology.  But nowadays computers are very important and we all need to learn about them as much as possible. 

Search engines and browsers would be something that I want to learn more about.  I know that there are lots of different ones out there, not just Google.  As a future teacher I need to know how to use the Smart Board and about Power Point.  It would also benefit me to know how to run different software and programs that I can use in the different content areas.  The one thing that i do enjoy using and had to learn was Gmail (and my optonline account).

As a student and always wanting to lean new things I know that I will be learning many more great technology tools.  These tools will help me in my life and as a teacher. 

The other question in the article; "What am I really glad I learned and has served me will over the years?'   My answer to this question is very easy.  I am glad I learned how to use a pencil because if computers go down I can still communicate with others. 

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