Thursday, July 29, 2010

WOW, I did it!

This was a very cool project. At first I was not happy doing it but then as I was going through all the different websites of writing tools to teach literacy I became very involved.  I have never heard of most of the sites that I was looking at.  I realized that I will try to incorporate some of the new tools into my classroom.  Some of what I looked at was more for high school students but none the less they were still interesting.  My favorite site would be Bookr, on this site you make your own book with turning pages.  You type in key words and up pops pictures that you can drag onto your page and then you write what you want on the bottom. I really enjoyed making a book that I put in my presentation.  This is something that I will try to implement in my class.  Students would love to do this because it is something that they made.  I think any writing tools would be beneficial to students in their learning.  By have the writing tools on the computer is just how the Digital Natives know how to learn.  Literacy is reading and writing, you need to know how to do both to succeed further in them.  You want your students to write because it only improves their spelling which will help them recognize words when reading.  It all goes hand in hand.  If you can have your students do writing activities on the computer and make it more interesting and fun for them, why not?  Not only are you teaching them reading and writing you are also teaching them technology.
I was suspose to present my PowerPoint to night, July 29, 2010. I was very nervous and still am.   First, I do not like talking to a lot of people. Second, it was all online, so you really do not know what your classmates are thinking. But as far as the presentation goes I still have not presented my presentation.  I got the short end of the stick on this one tonight.  I was totally ready to go but we ended with at least 8 people left.  So because we ran out of time and others took others spots, the ones that did not go have to record audio to go with their presentations.  I feel that this is totally unfair.  I have not idea how to do this using a published PowerPoint.  I looked quickly at screentoast but cannot figure out how to up load a PowerPoint. This class was suppose to be over tonight but now it will not be.  I will not be writing on how my peers received my presentation because I am going on vacation (on Internet access!).  I hope all have enjoyed the presentation there is a lot of great information on my PowerPoint.

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