Monday, July 12, 2010

Try Google, You Will Love It!

Wow, I cannot believe all the things you can do on a computer. I would not know about a large majority of them if it was not for this class. We were just asked to explore Google and I thought Google was just a search engine. Well was I wrong, I still cannot believe all the things you can do using Google.

I have looked at several different Google applications such as; Google Docs., Google calendar, Google wave, Google side wiki, and iGoogle. The Google application that I found the most interesting to me was the iGoogle. This is a great application, if you set it as your homepage every time you start your computer your iGoogle will be there. You will see all the useful and practical applications you picked all in one spot. To read more about iGoogle, the themes, and add on in iGoogle go to my newsletter.

Google Docs. is also a good application, it has come in very handy for our group meetings. I also have started to use the Google calendar which I have on my iGoogle page. This is a good add on for someone that is very busy, you get reminders and e-mails of upcoming events and important things you put on your calendar. I could see using these tools in the future in my classroom and in my everyday life. We as future educators need to be up to date with all the new technologies out there so we can teach our students. But first, I need to learn all the old tools that many of the students nowadays already know about and use.

Google is definitely something that I will be using in my future classroom. It is so easy to understand and it is all right in front of you. We need to bring in 21st century tool into the classroom to teach 21st century learners.

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