Monday, July 12, 2010

Different Types of Literacy

Computer Literacy is the knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses.
Information Literacy is knowing how to find, analyze, and use information; the ability together information from multiple sources, select relevant materials, and organize it into a form that will allow the user to make decisions or takes specific actions.

Integration Literacy is the ability to use computers and other technologies combined with a variety of teaching and learning strategies to enhance student's learning, matching appropriate technology to learning objectives, goals, and outcomes.

    Computer Literacy and Information Literacy are the two most important ones for students to learn so they can live and learn in the 21st century.   We live in a very technological savy world and we need to have or students able to live in this word.  Students need to be computer literate so they understand how to use the computer and being information literate will allow the students to use and process the information they gathered. They will need these skills in order to prosper in the future global economy.
As far as how literacy of the future will be that is unknown.  No one knows this, things change very fast as we all do know.  I grew up using pencil and paper, I never thought my children would be using a computer to write down their assignments.  I do know and I will try my best to do as a teacher to teach my students to be computer literate and to be able to teach themselves.

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