Thursday, July 29, 2010

The End Is Here!!!!

I have been taking Literacy & Technology for the past 5 weeks and it is our last class tonight.( In 1.5 hours)  I cannot believe how much I have learned in such a short time.  I have to applaude my group/support team (Tara, Lauren, Kim, & Pat).  If we were not going through this together, I do not know if I would still be here.  It was certainly a lot of work for 5 weeks but I succeeded, at least I think I did, hope I did.  I did not realize how much there was to know about technology that you can incorporate into classrooms.  This class has taught me a lot about technology and myself. 

As for me, when I started this class I was afraid to go on sites and "explore".  Now I have no problem, it does help that my husband purchased me anti-virus software to protect my computer.  I now know about LoTi and how to incorporate it into my lesson plans. I have also learned about the NET-S, which I have never read before.  I now know about different sites to use for multi-purposes.  Wiki,, GoogleDoc's, WYDWYD, GoogleWave, Gloster, and LettePop are some of the sites we learned about and used.  I do plan on using some of these sites in my future as a teacher and as student.  There are so many site that are great for students to use but first we need to talk to them about Internet safety, copyright laws and etiquette,  as a parent I always just signed the paper and sent it back.  Well, I will no longer do that; I will be reading the contract.  Teachers not only have to teach the core subjects but we also have to make sure our students are safe on the Internet. Working in the group, collaborating has given me insight into what it will be like working with different people with different priorities and schedules.  I really enjoyed working with K2TLP members this experience was a positive one and I know I will be ready to work in a group like this with other teachers. All the sites that we found that would be great for students, too many to list, are all interactive ones.  Since we have Digital Natives as students this is the best way to keep them engaged, on task, and absorbing information.  I will still be using the pencil and paper assessments but I will also incorporate alternative assessments like portfolios, webquests, and mind mapping to name some of the great new online assessments that are out there.

We have been blogging on our "blogspot's" about weekly readings and tutorials. I have never blogged or even kept a journal.  This was all new to me.  I cannot say that I like it, maybe if it was just about my feeling and what happen, I would.  I did enjoy reading others classmates blogs and seeing how they see thing or interpret them.  We had to comment on classmate's post (the list of the ones I commented on are on the side under my picture, they are linked) this was fine.  I did find myself mainly agreeing with them or commenting that I did not see it that way and stating my case with questions for them.  Some of the blogs were very interesting and made me really think about what I was reading. I also commented on group projects, PowerPoint and Newsletter.  Everyone did such a great job on all of them.  It was interesting to see all the different ways people interpret the same set of instructions.  Almost every group used different types of technology to do their project, so it was nice to see them work and the final outcome. 

The WOW projects were great tonight, the ones we saw.  Everyone gave such great information and lots of it.  I cannot wait to sit down (after vacation) and really read them and go to all the links. Was and still am not happy that I have to put audio to my presentation because we ran out of time.  Still cannot figure out how to do this, tried screen toast, jing, and tipcamm.  They do not want to work with me right now.  I think I have lost patience with this for tonight.

As far as the class goes, it was a great overall experience.  I had never taken an on-line class before.  I am not a big fan I like to see my instructor and be able to ask questions and get an answer right away.  Just to know that if I have a problem I can talk to them in class.  This was hard for me.  Not being good with computers was really hard at first.  You are told to go do something with no real instruction or guidance.  This was frustrating at times.  The activities, reading, and tutorials were all very helpful and fun to do, read and talk about.

All in all it was a great experience.  I have learned so much new technology information and tools.  I hope to one day use them in my class, but for now I will enjoy them and so will my children.  Bye!!!

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